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Please note the following for each taught module in a table: Module title (and code) Degree title, level (UG/PG/PhD) (and code) How often taught (yearly/biannually) Numbers of students Overall contact hours and level of contribution (if co-taught) Student module evaluation (please append) Module title/code Degree level/code Frequency Number of students Contact hours/ contribution 5.2 Provide a summary of contributions to course and module design, teaching management and administration. Also note any contribution to Welsh language teaching and programme design.  5.3 Provide a summary of significant personal achievements in teaching, including contributions to innovation in the pedagogy of the subject area / professional practice and scholarship related to teaching and learning.  5.4 Provide a summary of contribution to student recruitment, retention and pastoral care.  6 RESEARCH 6.1 Summary of current research:  6.2 Evidence of contribution at an appropriate level in the subject area, membership of and status within professional bodies, and / or external esteem: Place all your publications in chronological order, following the referencing style appropriate to your subject area. Please refer to the Guidance Notes for a full explanation of the information required. Research activity should be organised in three areas: ARCHIVAL PUBLICATIONS and JOURNALS CONFERENCE CONTRIBUTIONS SUBJECT SPECIFIC CONTRIBUTIONS  6.3 Evidence of external funding, grant capture and commercial activities: Note dates and status of the funding application. Note in the status column whether the funding awarded, is in progress, or was unsuccessful. Funding details: DatesAward Holder (s)Funding BodyTitle ValueStatus of funding  Other commercial activity: DatesOutline of commercial activity (please provide information about KTP activity, exploitation of IP, patents, licence agreements, copyright etc.  Number of studentsDegree levelCurrentCompleted 6.4 POSTGRADUATE RESEARCH SUPERVISON 6.5 Evidence of research leadership roles and/or being an advisor / consultant on research programmes:  7 WIDER CONTRIBUTION TO THE UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY Please state information for the current academic year and other significant contributions in previous years. 7.1 The School DatesActivityDurationFrequency  7.2 The College DatesActivityDurationFrequency  7.3 The University DatesActivityDurationFrequency  7.4 External DatesActivityDurationFrequency  8 CONTINUOUS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT 8.1 Note conference, research seminars attended or presented and CPD activities undertaken during the last three years and any significant activities in previous years. DatesActivityDurationFrequency   8.2 Note study leave and special leave (including maternity leave) taken over the last three years (including current year). DatesPurpose   8.3 Achievements and activities in the most recent period of study leave. What were the objectives of the study leave and were they met?  8.4 Membership of professional and learned societies: 9 Other Relevant Information: Confirmation/VerificationAPPLICANT I understand that a copy of my application will be provided to 3 referees who will be selected by the Panel for an independent assessment of my application should the Panel consider a prima facie case for promotion has been established. Name:Signature:Date:HEAD OF SCHOOL/PVC / HEAD OF COLLEGE I confirm that the information presented within this application is accurate.Name:Signature:Date:     +DEFGJ`afhi{|     < H N P R b d l x ~ ÿðåyh7h5UCJ$aJ$h5UCJ$OJPJQJaJ$o(#h7hbXCJ$OJPJQJaJ$o(h7hbXCJ$aJ$hbXCJ$OJPJQJaJ$o(h5UhbXhMh3~D5 h3~D5 hEX5hD hCP^h};hkh};5 h5U5 h};5htbh};5+EFai{ /$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQgd3~D/$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQgd};gd};r-DM ]`rgd5zl ~      2 4 6 @ ^ n  ! $ 9 ƿƿٰ hCP^56 hR~56h?3hCP^56 h56 h 56hMh3~D5 hL)hh hL)h h hCP^ hL)hCP^h3~D h3~D5hbX#h7h5UCJ$OJPJQJaJ$o(9 7kd$$IflFp#+ t0#6    44 la d$If/$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQgdl     d$If  4 6 @ ^ qo@o55 d$If/$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQgd3~Dkd$$IflFp#+ t0#6    44 la^ n @kd $$Ifl\fp#hj  t0#644 la d$Ifhd$If^`h hd$If^`h d$If U ^\\T$a$gd kd$$Ifl\fp#hj  t0#644 la9 S T U n o p r u  $ ; S ~  $2DNap}~ $LV\^hxHhCP^5 hL)h hYhCP^5hMhCP^5 hCP^5hCP^h h?3hCP^56MU o ; S ~ 2DNap}d$b&#$/Ifgd d$b&#$/Ifgd K$ & F 7^7`gd ,$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQ}~3d$b&#$/Ifgd kd\$IfK$L$lrU9!yx;1 t 6A04!644 lae4p yt d$b&#$/Ifgd K$d$b&#$/Ifgd 3d$b&#$/Ifgd kd8$IfK$L$lUrU9!yx;1 t 6A04!644 lae4p yt ;kd$$Ifl\!"f#D$~~~ t 6b0644 layt d$b&#$/Ifgd ;kd$$Ifl\!"f#D$~~~ t 6b0644 layt d$b&#$/Ifgd R;;;;d$b&#$/Ifgd kdf$$Ifl\!"f#D$~~~ t 6b0644 layt ^_`abRB<<<<$If$7^7`a$gd kd$$Ifl\!"f#D$~~~ t 6b0644 layt ^_`abcdefghi$23?ABCDEFGHIJMN$-N hxhCP^hnh 5hxhCP^5hMh};5 h};5hk hk5 hhkhhk5hYhCP^5hCP^h?3hCP^5 hCP^5hnhCP^5@bcdeABCDEFGHs$7^7`a$gd 0^`0kkd$$Ifld#$ t0644 lap $If HIJxxxxxxx $Ifgd[?$7^7`a$gdkkkd9$$Ifld#$ t0644 lap _YYYYY$If/$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQgd};nkd$$Ifld#$ t0644 lap yt[? }J|mdddd^^$If^gd $d^a$gd $;^`;a$gd qkdA$$Ifl" t0644 la1p yt Nab{|}$J$./01aest $%&'()*+,-./01234h};h};5 h};h};h};hhhh>h2@rh hxhCP^hCP^ hCP^5hxhCP^5I |s^gd gd};gdskd$$Ifl <o$3" t03"644 lap yt $If $%&'(/kd] $$Iflֈ3Y9!%!n t0#644 la~yt $If()*+,-./$If/0123453333kd" $$Iflֈ3Y9!%!n t0#644 la~yt 45=X^ $()*+,-./01[bc $?ᬬh2@rhhCP^5hhZ;h5hZ;hCP^5 hCP^5 h05 h 5 h^`h hxh h hCP^ hxhCP^hxhCP^5 h};5 hxh?45X^fkd $$Ifl05 %~ t0$644 la#yt $$Ifa$gd $Ifgd};  (mXXm$$&#$/Ifa$gd $&#$/Ifgd }kdx $$Ifl05 %~ t0$644 la#yt ()*+,-./R@@@@@@$&#$/Ifgd kd $$Ifl\O}Yp#.  t 60#644 layt /01[@>1 7^7`gd kd $$Ifl\O}Yp#.  t 60#644 layt $&#$/Ifgd qkds $$Ifl%$ t0$644 lap yt $If  y $$Ifa$$If,$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQ?@yz$&'0123456789:;<=>@ENT\]eǹ hL)h hL)hhh hL)hCP^h;rnh5 h5h;rnhCP^5hhCP^5 hCP^5hCP^hhI^XXXXXX$Ifkd $$Ifl\b#MN t0644 la^XXI77$ 3d$Ifa$ 3d$If 3kd$$Ifl\b#MN t0644 laL==== 3d$Ifkd;$$Ifl\b#MN t0644 la$ 3d$Ifa$=kd$$Ifl\b#MN t0644 la$ 3d$Ifa$ 3d$If'1$ 3d$Ifa$ d$If 312345678^O@@@@@ 3d$If d$Ifkdw$$Ifl\b#MN t0644 la89:;<=NTOII 3kd$$Ifl\b#MN t0644 la 3d$IfT]fpqrsL= 3d$Ifkd$$Ifl\bs#M; t0644 la$ 3d$Ifa$efopqrstuvwxyz{|}~$PV_ghqrstuvwxyz{|}~  $eh> hL)hhhCP^5 hCP^5h hhCP^ hL)hCP^Tstuvwxyz{$ 3d$Ifa${|}~^\\\0,$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQkdQ$$Ifl\bs#M; t0644 laPV_hr$d$Ifa$ d$If$0^`0a$gd rstuvwxyz{[PPPPPPPP d$Ifkd$$Ifl\P#M t0|!644 layt {|}~$d$Ifa$ d$If  [YI>> d$If$;^`;a$gd kd$$Ifl\P#M t0|!644 layt vvvvvvvvv d$If}kdA$$Ifl0O#Mb t0!644 layt rllll$If 0^`0gdh}kd$$Ifl0O#Mb t0!644 layt $Ifqkd[$$Ifl#" t0"644 laWp yt      489BCDV,01Ƚȩh<}h<}6OJQJ^Jh<}h<}OJQJ]^J h~h<}hwh<}OJQJ^Jhwh<}CJ(aJ(h<}hbX hpQh) hpQhCP^hpQhCP^5hpQhOD5hCP^ hCP^5hhCP^57     _]]]]]]]]/$d%d&d'd-DM NOPQgdODqkd$$Ifl#T" t0T"644 lap yt 89CHkds$$Ifl$)% t)%44 lap ytq $IfgdqCD1239:;A`kd/$$Ifl0($ t)%44 lapytq $IfgdqHkd$$Ifl$)% t)%44 lap ytq $Ifgdq12389:;FGHNOPQRSTUVdepz{|֕h_jh_Uhwh<}CJ aJ h<}h<}OJQJ]^Jh<}OJQJ]^Jh5Uhvo8h<} hwh<}CJ OJQJ^JaJ hwh<}OJQJ^Jhwh<}5OJQJ^Jhwh<}6OJQJ^J6;FGHNO`kd$$Ifl0($ t)%44 lapytq $IfgdqOPQRSLFkd$$Ifl$)% t)%44 lap ytq $.Z/ZIfgdq`kd_$$Ifl0($ t)%44 lapytqSTUV{|d[RI $Ifgd<} $Ifgdq $IfgdqHkd$$IflP$)% t)%44 lap ytq $.Z/ZIfgdqFkdQ$$Ifl$)% t)%44 lap ytqJ`kdg$$Ifl0($ t)%44 lapytq $IfgdqHkd $$Ifl$)% t)%44 lap ytq2`kd$$Ifl0($ t)%44 lapytq $Ifgdq`kd$$Ifl0($ t)%44 lapytq$a$dgd<}Hkd/$$IflF$)% t)%44 lap ytq $Ifgdqh<}h_hEXmHnHuh2@rUjh2@rU PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 8 ,1h. 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